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The Israeli Aviation Conference (IAC)

The middle east’s primary aviation event

Partaking in the conference are top Israeli aviation industry figures, pioneers, visionaries, and global leaders from various global aviation-related organizations and industries.

The conference discusses core topics of aviation in the modern age, such as technology, strategies for new challenges, safety and security, cyber hazards, unmanned flying vehicles, automation, pilot shortages against employment and training, and more.

Additionally, the attendees discuss topics linked to the relationship between civilian and military aviation, with a glimpse into the future of aviation through a global perspective, while emphasizing the human factor.

The first-ever conference was led by Gen. (Res.) Amos Shapira, Aviyahu Ben-Nun, Meir Shamir, and Hemi Peres

מתעניינים בהפקת אירוע? שתפו אותנו

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הברזל 24, כניסה C, תל אביב

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